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5 Ways Dental Veneers Can Transform Your Smile

5 Ways Dental Veneers Can Transform Your Smile

The best way to keep your smile sparkling is to follow sound oral hygiene — brush twice, floss at least once daily, and never skip a check-up or cleaning. 

However, even the most diligent dental devotees can develop problems that detract from their smiles. Maybe you were born with a genetic makeup that doomed you to crooked teeth or sustained a mouth injury that left your teeth discolored, cracked, or chipped. 

This is where cosmetic dentistry shines, turning your flawed smile into a radiant facial feature. At Tropical Dental Care in Tomball, Texas, our team offers several transformative treatments to enhance your smile, including dental veneers.

Dental veneers are one of the most versatile tools in cosmetic dentistry. In this month's blog, we’re highlighting the amazing multitasking nature of veneers so you can decide whether they’re suitable for what ails your smile. 

The skinny on dental veneers

Dental veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made shells crafted from tooth-colored materials to cover the front surface of your teeth. Think of veneers like a jacket or mask that hides the flaws and puts a fresh face on your teeth.

However, veneers aren’t just temporary fixes; we bond them to your teeth permanently, improving their appearance in many ways — here are five ways dental veneers can completely transform your smile.

1. Hides stains

Over time, your teeth can become stained or discolored due to various factors. Drinking coffee or red wine, smoking, or aging can change your enamel's hue. 

Professional teeth whitening can work wonders on many stains. Still, dental veneers deliver a long-lasting whitening solution when the problem lies deep or your enamel has worn thin and is revealing the underlying yellow dentin layer. Unlike natural teeth, the porcelain material used in veneers resists stains, giving you a brighter and more consistent smile.

2. Fixes chipped or crooked teeth

Dental veneers can be great if you have chipped, broken, or slightly crooked teeth. They cover the damaged tooth and replace it with a smoother, straighter version. You walk away with an aligned, well-shaped, natural-looking smile.

3. Fills in gaps

If gaps between your teeth make you self-conscious, dental veneers fill in your gaps and give you a uniform appearance.

4. Improves tooth size and shape

We custom-design your dental veneers to suit your unique smile needs. For example, if your teeth are too small, worn down, or misshapen, we tailor your veneers to alter the size and shape so your teeth look symmetrical and well-suited to your mouth.

5. Lasts for years

Among the best things about dental veneers is that they’re durable and can last 10-20 years, making them a worthwhile investment in your smile.

Getting veneers takes just a few visits to our office. Your first visit is a consultation to determine whether veneers are the right choice for you. Your next appointment is for prepping and taking an impression of the teeth to get treated, and during the final appointment, we apply the veneers.

To learn more about veneers and other cosmetic dental treatments, contact Tropical Dental Care online or by phone.

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